Saturday, September 5, 2009


Half naked men and tapirs. Or at least a tapir. What a fantastic opening scene Mel Gibson.

I was rooting for the Tapir. But, sadly... But then the scene ended with some guy eating the tapir's balls.

Dear Incas/Mayans: Please wear pants. Thanks.

Seriously. They're loin-cloth/sumo underwear/thong clothing stuff seems like it'd give you an intensely wicked wedgie. And be all sorts of uncomfortable.

Sadly, not too much blogging on this one, as the movie needs to be read.

One random question though: Did the Mayans ever play bocce or something with all the heads they chopped off in their ceremonies? Because they seem to be dropping them down the stairs of their pyramids. Seems like turning that into a game would be a good way to combine wacky fun with worship of whatever wacky deity they happen to be chopping people up in worship of.

And the Mayans seem to be kings of the fancy hats.

Other than the fact that you need to read the movie to get the dialogue, a pretty good movie...

1 comment:

Su said...

I enjoy the mayans.