Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fire & Ice

Amy Acker, Tom Wisdom (2008) A princess and a knight must save a kingdom from a rampaging dragon.

Sci-Fi Saturday movie from October 18.

Well, I'll start of by saying that I'm intrigued. Based on the promos, this movies eventually going to be an epic battle between a fire dragon and an ice dragon. So far we've only seen the fire dragon. And it actually is on fire, rather than just breathing it.

If you were wondering whether Ghillie suits had any use in medieval times, they really, really don't. But it is kind of hilarious to see people dressed in a suit covered in leaves in the middle of a swordfight.

Dragons look like gigantic Manta Rays... not your standard winged lizard look...

And due to poor editing, I have no idea if John Rhys-Davies just got stabbed, or if he stabbed someone...

And I think that the king guy is the same actor as the evil mummy dude in The Mummy Returns.

And then there was some inevitable betrayal, and some me not paying attention, and now somehow the fire dragon doesn't seem to be part of the story anymore. Like I said... I wasn't really paying attention.

And now it appears that the ice dragon has been skooshed by a bunch of rocks. And since this is a bad sci-fi movie, I stress the word "appears". And apparently I was wrong to be wary....

1 comment:

Su said...

Wow... that was... less entertaining than usual.