Thursday, April 4, 2013

Today's Word(s) of the Day


Just had a blue raspberry Air Head.

Now my mouth is blue.

Not really sure why the candy dish only ever has the blue Air Heads. Never any other colors. Maybe no one else likes them and I'm just getting there too late to have any selection once the vultures have descended.

Which is slightly discouraging, as I have spent the past few years under the assumption that I was the bestest of the vultures.


Su said...

It's a conspiracy by the candy fairy and myself. I asked them to appear to stock a variety of candy whilst only actually stocking one kind of candy to give you the appearance of being a bad vulture to undermine your self confidence so that you will finally give up on your life and start a new one living in a van parked under Manchester Bridge and scavenging in Legend's dumpsters.

Trevor said...

Yeah, you've got to pounce early. Why isn't this part of your morning routine?

Su said...

I hope Trevor is telling you to pounce on the living in a van under Manchester bridge.

Dan said...

Legend would have to throw some of their bratwurst in my dumpster at some point, wouldn't they?

Su said...

Yes. Yes they would.