Saturday, February 13, 2010

War of the Colossal Beast

Sally Fraser, Roger Pace (1958) The 60-foot man-beast escapes and wrecks stuff in this sequel to "The Amazing Colossal Man."

Frankly, how can you go wrong when the description of the movie includes the phrase "wrecks stuff". That's the only reason I decided to record this movie.


Actually, not onwards. Because I just realized there was a Caps game going on. And I need to see if the trend of me watching and the Caps losing continues.


Su said...

Poor neglected movie.

Trevor said...

I'm fairly certain the CAPS are awesome. True story. I was there. Not that game, but at a game that they won.

I have to poo.

Su said...

I am more than fairly certain that the Penguins are more awesome Trevor.

Dan said...

And the trend continues!

They were on a 14 game win streak or something. And now they're on a 3 game losing streak.

(Although, I did watch a few of the games during the win streak)

Su said...

So clearly you're watching the game has nothing to do with it, but whenever they're playing the Pens if you're on a losing streak please feel free to watch.