Saturday, February 6, 2010

House of Bones

Charisma Carpenter, Corin Nemec (2010) Members of a reality TV show investigate a supposedly haunted house.

Syfy Saturday movie from 1/16. Actually the first Syfy Saturday movie dated 2010.

Figured it was time to get back to the reviews of the Syfy Saturday and Sunday movies. Unfortunately, all the Syfy Sunday movies they've been showing lately have all been things I've already seen before, and have no plans to see again.

This one's got Corin Nemec in it. Also known as Jonas Quinn from Stargate SG1. The guy from Mansquito. The guy from SS Doomtrooper. And the guy from that one shark movie.

So, after a good day of shoveling, and snow tennising, I'm pretty decently tired. Let's see how that effects my reviewing and attention paying.

And its not going very well. Considering I typed this as I watched the first few minutes, and then had about an hour and a half pause while I screwed around without actually played the movie.

Not nearly enough Corin Nemec to keep me interested. He showed up for a single scene in the beginning, and hasn't been seen since, and I'm about halfway into the movie. Actually, now that its 1 hour and 4 minutes into the movie, he's finally showed up again.

I have no idea what's going on. And I really don't care. Especially because they just killed off Corin Nemec... For headlining this movie, he certainly got screwed. Or maybe not, if he got paid handsomely for not actually doing any work at all...

Don't watch this movie.

I'm gonna go read. By which I mean lay on my bed, try to read, and promptly fall asleep.

1 comment:

Su said...

Yay using 'reading in bed' as code for napping.