Monday, February 8, 2010

The Insider

Al Pacino, Russell Crowe (1999) Former tobacco researcher Jeffrey Wigand blows the whistle about the industry to "60 Minutes" anchor Mike Wallace.

I'm relatively certain that I watched the 60 Minutes special when it first came out. My family watched a lot of 60 Minutes a while ago. So, this is an interesting topic.

Good movie, though. Doesn't seem like it'd be an interesting movie, but I'm actually enjoying it. Actually makes a good movie to pay mostly attention to, while I un-fuck my cell phone's address book.

Also interesting that Al Pacino doesn't play the role of Mike Wallace, but instead the role of 60 Minutes producer Lowell Bergmann, who apparently played a big role in the story. Or at least is playing a big role in the movie adaptation.

Russell Crowe plays the Jeffrey Wigand role, so that's no surprise.

And Christopher Plummer as Mike Wallace is pretty fantastic. He's got a pretty small role, but he definitely does a good job of it.

1 comment:

Su said...

I know the name, but not the face... wait, is Christopher Plummer the guy from the Sound of Music?