Sunday, April 5, 2009

Volcano: Nature Unleashed

Chris William Martin, Antonella Elia (@004) A volcanologist faces resistance when he tries to warn a town's mayor of an impending eruption.

The following quote pretty much sums up the entire movie:

"The school bus is on fire. The children. They are trapped."

You might notice the lack of exclamation points after those sentences. They seem like sentences where those would be in rather regular use. For people who could act. Or had emotion. And I should probably mention that this movie takes place in Italy, yet was made in Bulgaria. So everyone has a completely outrageous "Italian" accent, and only uses the pronoun "she", no matter the gender/article of the particular word... Not knowing any actual Italian, I don't really know if they only have the female article in the language, or if it's just the stereotypical "Mario Italian", made famous by everyone's favorite red-pantsed plumber.

There's some sort of supernatural element involving Main Character dude's dead wife, and some creepy teenage girl... And a lot of very poor acting. Did I mention the poor acting. Cuz its terrible.

Movie "plot keywords from IMDB:
Disaster Film | Volcano | Natural Disaster

Sort of self-explanatory, wouldn't you think? A movie with "volcano" in the title, is most likely a disaster film. That involves volcanoes. Which are sort of by definition natural disasters. We can figure this all out solely through reading the title of the movie, and not even watching any of it. And yet, IMDB decides to install a spoiler warning for these keywords, that you have to move your mouse over them, so as you can see them.

Did that last sentence make sense? I just kind of typed it, stream of consciousness style, and didn't really have a plan for what I was going to say, as I typed...

So, anyways. Spoiler warnings for the keywords on this film. Completely ridiculous.

1 comment:

Su said...

Not that they aren't ridiculous... but they're just funny and redundant. I like them.