Sunday, April 26, 2009

A.I. Assault

Joe Lando, Michael Dorn (2006) A team of SEALs must deactivate two top-secret military robots running amok on a deserted island.

Apparently the people who made this movie couldn't afford anything except for rubber prop guns. Because the slides aren't moving on the pistols, and they've just post-processed in some muzzle flashes. And it looks ridiculous.

And I'm hoping that they accidentally capitalized the letters in the word "SEALs" in the description. Because a team of "seals" would be much more awesome. And aren't they colloquially known as "Navy SEALs", not just "SEALs"?

And apparently George Takei is now the pilot of a 747. Big change from the USS Enterprise that he used to drive as Hikaru Sulu.

And they've got Bob Picardo! The Emergency Medical Hologram, or Mr. Woolsey, depending on which franchise you feel like talking about. Oh, and recognize the name "Michael Dorn"? Because, that's totally Worf. Its a freaking Star Trek convention...

And now it would appear that Woolsey has kicked the bucket... and Sulu... yup, he's done too...

But, luckily, with the demise of his Star Trek compatriots, we are now introduced to General Worf. Looks different without the forehead wrinkles, but he's still got the same voice.

Also, it seems that everyone in this movie (aside from Worf thus far) is a Major. Seems its a popular rank... Although, the main character seems to be a Navy O-3. Which I can't remember. Perhaps Lieutenant Commander? No, that's an O-4. Whatever the Navy equivalent to an Army Captain is. (After some research, it seems to be Lieutenant) But sadly, the guys who made this movie didn't realize that there is a significant difference in rank between an Army Captain and a Navy Captain. Because they just referred to him as "Captain". Which he distinctly isn't, because he's a Navy SEAL.

OK, that's weird... because now they're using blank firing guns... Which begs the question of why they didn't use them earlier...

And apparently Main Character just got promoted... because he's now wearing the gold maple leaf insignia of an O-4. Lieutenant Commander?

And the Admiral guy just used the word "ro-but". My quest to rid the world of the word "ro-bought" continues.

Oh, and this Captain/Lieutenant Commander/Lieutenant guy seems to think that Chinooks and Hueys are the same thing. Which they aren't.

Also, Bazooka =/= LAW.

1 comment:

Su said...

I'm more confused than usual after your review. But I'm glad you told me about Michael Dorn cause I knew I recognized the name.