Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jamie Ray Newman

Dr. Tess Fontana is much more attractive than Lt. Laura Cadman. Even though they're both played by Jamie Ray Newman.

Its probably the fact that Cadman wears that stupid beret.

Normally, I'm a fan of hats, and never like to complain about anyone rocking a hat, but seriously. Berets? They're dumb as hell. You just cannot pull those off with any sort of style.

I've actually been witness to a good 10 or so minute conversation between some military folk discussing the ridiculousness of the standard issue Army beret, and how its damned impossible to wear it without looking like a complete clown.

Also, I'm highly amused by this episode (Duet). Because the one episode where they have multiple guys with machine guns and rocket launchers is the one time they get used.

Also, Major Lorne and Dr. Zelenka are both completely awesome characters.


Su said...

I feel like I just missed a very convoluted inside joke.

Dan said...

Laura Cadman is a Stargate Atlantis character played by Jamie Ray Newman.

Tess Fontana is a Eureka character played by Jamie Ray Newman.

Su said...

Tess... I don't know that I know which one tess is.

Dan said...

You probably haven't encountered her yet.

She shows up for the first time last season. I'm under the impression that you're not to that season yet.

Su said...

I'm only on season two, so my guess would be that she's not until season three and that is far beyong my capabilities at this time.