Friday, August 13, 2010


A movie. About a heist.

Starring Gene Hackman (did you know he's 80?).

Also stars Delroy Lindo as "Character Who Randomly Pops Into Frame And Shoots Bad Guys". Who also feels the need to change hats right before he undertakes Crime.

Enjoyable movie. Especially the bits where Delroy Lindo randomly pops up and shoots people.

If I ever make movies, I'm pretty sure that's gonna be a staple. Especially for romantic comedies.


Su said...

That sounds like the perfect foil to a romantic comedy.

Dan said...

I am unsure if Delroy Lindo will be one of the main characters of my movies, or if he'll just randomly pop up to shoot people

Su said...

I think he should be the main character, but the plot should follow someone else and just have him interspersed with shootings. I think you should make a film of movies with him interconnecting him all and have only the final, FINAL movie explain the plot behind him in all of the other movies.

Dan said...

Holy Shit. That's an awesome idea.

Now I just need to get into making movies.

Su said...

I'm glad I could be of service.