Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dead Snow

A group of Norwegian friends get the scariest history lesson of their lives during a weekend getaway to the snowy town of (O with a slash through it)ksfjord, where the party is interrupted by throngs of Nazi zombies who once occupied the area.

Looks like this one is subtitled, so I probably won't be doing much blogging, as I've got to pay attention to the screen for the dialogue.

However, really good use of Grieg's Hall of the Mountain King for the intro sequence.

Also, did I mention that everyone was going to be speaking Norwegish? Which is awesome!

Also, apparently Norwegish chicks are hot. Based on my sample size of: this movie. And the 3 actresses. Although, I may have conducted this particular breed of science already... But, based on some quick searching of my blog, I can't find it...

Do you have any idea how hard it is to watch a movie with subtitles, and still search blog archives? Its pretty tough... Although I've only had to rewind once. I'm pretty proud of myself...

Also, in case I didn't mention it earlier: Nazi Zombies!

And apparently hot Norweges.

Also, don't go camping in the snow in Norway. Nazi Zombies will punch you right to death.

Also, I'm enjoying the Norwegish. Between my very rudimentary (read: crappy) knowledge of Swedish, and my knowledge of German, I'm surprised that I'm actually picking up a few words here and there... Or at least words that are close enough...

Also, snowmobiling looks fun. Except for the falling in snow caves and getting attacked by zombies thing. Although, technically, the snow-cave business happened after he got off the snowmobile. And I'm only conjecturing about the zombies at this point.

Also, one of the characters just quoted a movie in English. And the subtitles also said it in English. Seems kind of pointless. Although, since its an Indiana Jones quote, I guess I can forgive him.

Also, while most Ahrnohld impersonations are relatively annoying, when accomplished by a guy who generally speaks Norwegian, its a little bit awesome.

Aw, dangit... They just killed off the hottest one... Of all the people to kill off first, why did it have to be a female? Much less the hottest one? You've got a veritable horde of dudes that you can kill off... Although, technically, the first to get killed off was the crazy old dude who got punched to death... But he wasn't one of the main characters, so he didn't really count. And even technicallier, I'm thinking that the person who got et by zombies in the opening sequence was probably one of the character's sisters. So, I guess the original point stands. Although, I have no idea how hot the sister was. So, maybe that point is a little bit weakened... But still, the hottest one of the main characters was the first to get killaged...

And since I'm enjoying the Norwegish so much, I'm going to forgive the fact that the subtitles referred to a coach, when they were in fact talking about a couch.

OK. That's more like it. The tubby dude just got his head ripped in half. Now we're even in terms of deathification...

That's interesting. This zombie is significantly more stabby than your standard zombie. Oh, wait, now comes the punching. And the attempted biting. And the getting brained by its own helmet.

Also, in case you were wondering, zombie intestines are pretty dang strong. Almost climbing rope caliber. Or maybe rappelling rope. Definitely dangling-off-a-cliff-hanging-from caliber.

And if I ever need surgery, I want a Norwegian doctor. Apparently even their med students can sew zombie bite marks together with fishing hooks, without looking. Oh, did I mention that the neck in question was the med student's own? That's a little bit o' talent right there. Although, they do have a generally high proclivity for being attacked by Nazi Zombies. But then again, there could be a little bit of sampling bias there...

And snowmobiling looks all the more fun when there's an MG34 involved...


Su said...

Yup, still not reading this?

Dan said...

Worth watching.

Su said...

It's so long.

Su said...

So I read it.

Su said...

I decidedly enjoyed your interpretation. And maybe I would watch this, it's true. I was actually kinda excited while reading it. Also, I think intestine would be more like climbing than repelling rope. It seems stretchier. More dynamic if you will. But I like stretchier.

Dan said...

I'd recommend watching if you get the opportunity

Su said...

I shall keep that in mind...

Get me the opportunity?

Trevor said... will understand

Dan said...

Was she even in the dang movie?

Trevor said...

supposedly... I haven't seen the movie yet. But She was on Norwegian Big Brother