Saturday, March 6, 2010

Caps Game

They just played the first bit of Stand Up and Shout by Steel Dragon during a break in the game.

The thing is, Steel Dragon's not actually a band. You remember the movie Rock Star? With Marky-Mark/Mark Wahlberg? The one that was basically the Judas Priest/Tim "Ripper" Owens story? The one about the band named Steel Dragon?

Yeah, that one. Well, anyways, Steel Dragon, and that Stand Up and Shout song are from that movie. Interesting that the song actually showed up somewhere that wasn't that movie.

Although, I really can't complain, as I have that song on my iPod.

Also, is it pathetic that I didn't need to refer to any sort of reference material for this entire post?

And now there's a bit of Ozzy going on. Crazy Train.

1 comment:

Su said...

I'm actually used to your pathetic knowledge of random and obscure things, though I'd never seen the movie.