Saturday, January 16, 2010


Luke Perry, Martin Sheen (1999) A general with a device that controls weather recruits a meteorologist to direct a hurricane toward Mexico.

That general in the description is Martin Sheen. The meteorologist seems to be Luke Perry, AKA Jeremiah.

Also, in case you didn't know, Martin Sheen caused Hurricane Andrew...

And Martin Sheen, or should I say Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez, looks very strange in a flight suit.

And Martin/Ramon just touted his weather doo-jobbie is the first user-friendly Weapon of Mass Destruction that wasn't nuclear. Because, really, what this world needs is more user-friendly WMDs. Thanks for that General Sheen.

And what disaster is complete without an angry religious guy complaining about whores and stuff on TV. Sodom and Gomorrah, and all that jazz... Perhaps I have found my new calling in life. How does one get in on those "being and old, angry, religious guy on TV" gigs?

And even though the airplane ran head long into a drone-thing, when it blew up in the resulting explosion, the nose was completely intact.

1 comment:

Su said...

That was just... wow.