Monday, January 18, 2010


So, in last week's episode, the first one back after hiatus, I noticed something quite strange.

The Charlie Francis character was killed by a shapeshifter earlier in the series, and the shapeshifter was killed shortly thereafter. And yet, Charlie shows up in this episode, and no one seems confused or intrigued.

That is, no one except the viewer. In this case, me.

Upon further investigation, it seems that this episode was filmed for Season 1, but they never found a place to air it. So, they decided that now was a good time. Well after the character was killed in the series. Seems like a random, and frankly, a terrible, time to show this episode. But whatever. Still a very good show. And now back to watching the episode, and less complaining.


Su said...

That would drive me absolutely insane.

Dan said...

It really did to me as well.

I kept yelling "Hey wait! You're dead!" at the TV. So I finally had to look it up on the internet to save my vocal cords.

Su said...

Yeah... I need to save my vocal cords as well.