Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Interesting that they're finally doing a bunch of the back story for the characters now that they're cancelled.

Also, I'm going to be sad if they kill off Mr. Langdon or whatever his name is. He just got shot. Hopefully he doesn't die. He's always been one of the characters that the viewer cares about, because he seems to be a decent guy.

Although, the Topher character has always been good for comic relief.

And I always liked Helo as a character, even when he's playing Ballard, or whatever his name is. Although he did get annoyingly wienerific in certain episodes of Battlestar Galactica.

Also, Summer Glau just got graped. In a quite unexpected fashion.

Yay! Langdon!

Also, the last few episodes of this show are actually turning out to be pretty good. Quite interesting. It did get bogged down a bit there in the middle, but I think its definitely gotten a heck of a lot better in the last few episodes. 2 more to go. Which reminds me, I should watch the last episode of Season 1, which didn't air on TV. Apparently the season finale is a sequel, of sorts, to that episode, and slightly out of the normal continuity of the rest of the show.

Another short-lived Joss Whedon show.

1 comment:

Su said...

Poor Joss Whedon.