Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Interesting that the Canadian sled is white with blue writing and logos on it, including a blue maple leaf.

Wonder if it has something to do with Quebec....

Also, interesting that the Swiss sleds are primarily yellow, even though its another country with a flag entirely made from red and white. I think that it might be that its sort of a call-back to the "swiss cheese" outfits that the Swiss Winter Olympic team wore a couple of Olympics ago. Probably about 12 years ago. After some quick internet searches, I'm unable to figure out when it actually was. Sometime well before college. Hence my estimation of about 12 years ago.

Also, kinda cool that the Germans and Canadians are sharing the gold medal in this World Cup event. I'm guessing have 2 sleds with exactly the same time (down to the hundredths) after 2 runs is quite rare.

1 comment:

Su said...

Super Rare I Would Say. SUUUUper.