Saturday, September 6, 2008


So, a bad sci-fi movie about basically, a godzilla analogue, that got re-animated by aliens

and has potentially the worst voice acting ever... no character is quite as bad as that snake guy from that Lightspeed movie, but darn near everyone in the movie can't act for shit...

and there's some general guy is named "Boom Boom"... and he's incessantly smoking a cigar... I'm guessing they were trying to make him a Curtis LeMay analogue... I wonder if they realize he was Air Force and not Army.

and there's bad CG....

and apparently in this world, they need to get "missile locks" for rocket pods on helicopters...

seriously.... terrible acting... just wanted you to know...

oh yeah... and there was a scene in the aftermath of the first monster attack, where there were a bunch of flattened dudes in a gigantic footprint... and for some reason some dude is pick-axing one of them...

and the aliens use "some sort of electronic particles... some sort of light force" to teleport gigantor alien monster critter things...

and apparently they have a Non-Continuity Drive... allowing them to be right next to the earth one moment, and then right next to the moon...

and apparently since a helicopter attack didn't do any good, they decided that shotguns and 9-mils would be a good idea...

And the strategy to defeat advanced military hardware, including copious amounts of missiles launched from F-16... is to duck... and apparently the "Eagles Squad" of fighters can't shoot for shit (i.e. blowing up a shit ton of buildings in a city with their missiles while missing horribly) nad they fly Fighting Falcons...

and apparently according to Captain Jetpack, compared to this guy (the critter), Godzilla is a pansy... or something... and they seem to have named the critter Gary...

and now Gary has turned good for some reason, and the aliens activated some other critter to fight it... picture 2 really crappy CG characters fighting in a city made of really crappy models... and the new critter can shoot lazers with its tail... and apparently doesn't need its head to live... and apparently gary just died, for no apparent reason.

and theres some random ass stuffed animal thing in the war room...

and apparently the aliens pinned all their invasion hopes on gary and other critter... and now that one turned against them, and the other died, they were pretty much like "Screw it, we'll come back later..."

1 comment:

Su said...

So what you're saying, in concise summary is:

I approve. Great movie. Two thumbs way up!