Friday, September 26, 2008

Knight Rider: Punch Yourself in the Dick and Save Yourself the Trouble

So, yeah, that pretty much says it.

Just watched the first episode. And I'm pretty sure it'll be the last. Bionic Woman lasted about 3 episodes for me. Flash Gordon lasted an entire season. That should tell you something about what I think about this.

Basically, as the title says, just punch yourself in the dick, and it'll be a far more pleasurable organization.

Started off at a "Foreign Consulate"... Writers weren't even clever enough to come up with a particular country...

And then pretty much in between the first 2 commercial breaks, they had the main character down to her underwear. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I think it shows a good amount of desperation. And its only the first episode.

And seriously, what could be stupider than scissors doors on a convertible...

So, as the title states, punching yourself in the dick is a more pleasurable experience than watching this show. Its like an army of midgets playing tetherball with your beanbag. Just hit yourself once, and get it over with.

And another thing I forgot. A missile locked onto the main characters heat signature or some shit. But KITT said that he/she/it had cooled the outer skin to the ambient temperature. I'm pretty sure that since its an enclosed car, and if the skin of the car was at ambient temperature, there would be no way for the missile to lock onto the dude inside the car.

And that's likely everything I'll ever say about Knight Rider.


Su said...

That was 8 paragraphs more than you needed to say. The whole, I would have rather punched myself in the dick than watched another minute of this show and ended the rant (although the comment about the desperation based upon the lack of clothing in the first eposide was very accurate).

Su said...

You know that enthusiasm that waned back in late October... still waning.