Friday, May 21, 2010

Screamers: The Hunting

Gina Holden, Jana Pallaske (2009) A rescue team encounters a race of half-human, half-machine hybrids on a distant planet.

Syfy Saturday movie from 3/20. Aired right after the original one. Which I watched, but didn't report on, mainly because I didn't feel like it.

And you might remember Gina Holden from her role as Dale Arden on the short-lived Flash Gordon TV show. Or maybe you won't. Because I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one who actually watched the entire series. Except for maybe Gina Holden's mother. And maybe Eric Johnson's mother. (He played the title role)

RA-6. Radioactive acid! And I quote: "It burns!" Rather than "Oh crap! My hand's being melted off!" or "Get it off! Get it off!" shouted in a very girly voice, this guy decided to just yell "It burns!" And thus sounded completely comical and quite moronic.

And this movie seems to have significantly less RoboCop than the first one. But I think I've been promised Lance Henriksen.

Also, for these folks, "defensive positions!" are to just go hide behind whatever's handy.

And in typical movie fashion, the black guy just died. First. Actually, I lied. The "Viking" guy died first. But no one cares about him. He was just the random ass yokel they left to mind the ship. Who did a rather poor job, as he let robits aboard.

And now I'm officially rooting for the robits. Because one just punched someone through the head. Full on, in the face, out the back of the head fist action.

Although Dale/Gina is significantly more attractive.

And now they're boning.

And I have chocolate sauce in my goatee. Its a bit annoying. Because its out of licking range. I do seem to have this problem quite office. Stupid ice cream. Being so tasty.

And then Lance Henriksen showed up. And shortly thereafter got electro-zorted.

And thankfully, due to jump-cuts, the main characters were able to get very far away from the facility they were deep in the depths of. In a matter of 30 seconds. Also, "deep in the depths of". Man, that was a particularly awesome turn of phrase. I am damned awesome.


Su said...

You are some awesome. I take it that Jana was a boy and not a girl? I was kinda hoping for two female leads.

Dan said...

I have no idea who Jana was. Or is.

And I don't much care...

Su said...

Oh, okay.