Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tasmanian Devils

'13. Monstrous Tasmainian devils terrorize a group of sky divers and park rangers.  Starring: Danica McKellar, Apolo Ohno, Kenneth Mitchell. Director: Zach Lipovsky.  From Canada.

Syfy Saturday Movie from 1/19.

Apolo Ohno should stick to speedskating.  Apparently BASE jumping isn't his thing.  Didn't survive the first 10 minutes of the movie.  Although he did survive impressively long after being impaled on a stalagmite.


Su said...

I require a title. And I refuse to read this until it gets one.

Su said...

I also thought it was going to be Danica Patrick for a second, which would only have added to the hilarity of the cast. But giving second billing to a guy who dies that early... pretty sad.

Su said...

He also dances well, on dancing with the stars. So he can dance and skate, just not base jump.

Dan said...

I wasn't paying enough attention during the credits to see his name... had to look it up on the internet to see if it was really him...

Su said...

Haha. Well, he usually has the chin piece thingie.