Thursday, August 30, 2012


Worsening heart failure.

Just heard that phrase in the "fine print" bit of a drug commercial.

Wasn't aware that failure could get worse.  Kinda figured failure was an all or nothing kind of thing.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Today's Word(s) of the Day


The name of a pair of Spanish motorcycle racing brothers, Aleix (MotoGP) and Pol (Moto2).  Hearing the announcer attempt to pronounce the name with his heavy southern accent is pretty hilarious.  He never manages the same one twice.  And never manages Ess-par-gar-oh.  Usually is off by a number of syllables.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bonus Word(s) of the Day

a stew of meat, vegetables, potatoes, etc.

a gadget; dingus; thingumbob.

a fool or simpleton; ninny.

Today's Word(s) of the Day


A Middle English word referring to a flighty or whimsical person, usually a young woman. In modern use, it is used as a slang term, especially in Yorkshire, for a gossipy or overly talkative person.

Good to know.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cool Runnings

TV PG (L) 3 stars. '93. Jamaican bobsledders go to the 1988 Olympics. Starring: Leon, Doug E. Doug, Malik Yoba, John Candy, Rawle D. Lewis, Raymond J. Barry. Director Jon Turteltaub.

And now for my timeliest review ever.

Actually, never seen this before, so I figured I'd give it a go.

Random cameo by Dr. Lee from Stargate.  This time playing the role of random Olympics registrar guy.  A little less bald than he is in later life.  Obviously.  Because it'd be weird if he were balder in this one.

And I'm pretty sure the West German guy was also on Stargate, but I'm drawing a blank on his character's name. I think it was the episode with Merrin, and the advanced Naquadah generator.

This Junior guy has an immensely square head.  The haircut/hairline isn't really doing him any favors.

Is it bad that I'm rooting for the Swiss team?

Also, one of the main characters is from that Alphas TV show on Syfy.  But that show is terrible.  So we won't be mentioning that...

Shark Week

TV14 (V,L) '12. Trapped on a madman's island, a group of people must survive a barrage of shark attacks. Starring: Patrick Bergin, Yancy Butler, Josh Allen, Erin Coker. From Unkown.

Syfy Saturday movie from 8/4.

I have never actually seen the Discovery Channel stuff that this is obviously steals its name from, but it is most certainly better than this piece of poo.

Produced by The Asylum.  So you know what that means...

They are marveling about the size of this shark.  Which they don't show for a while.  But then it turns out to be about 3 feet long.  Uh... OK...

It is movies like this that make me wonder why I subject myself to this particular brand of torture...

This movie needs to stop reusing the same footage over again.  Also, stop with the jump cuts.

In other news: worst minefield ever.

Today's Word(s) of the Day


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bonus Bonus Word(s) of the Day


This is a pretty fantastic conversation I'm having... Lotta hilarious typos

Bonus Word(s) of the Day

Mauve yeti.

Strangely enough, came up in conversation. Never mind that it was a typo gone horribly wrong.

Today's Word(s) of the Day


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

CSI: Miami

In two consecutive episodes I have seen Dr. Daniel Jackson from Stargate, Don Draper from Mad Men, and Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad.

Today's Word(s) of the Day


Monday, August 13, 2012

Today's Word(s) of the Day

Comfortably Numb.

Watching David Gilmour: Live in Gdansk again. Well, actually the TV isn't on, but the speakers and DVD player are.  So, I guess I'm listening to it.

Anyways, I felt like posting something on my blog.  And am currently listening to Comfortably Numb.  So. There you go.

And I guess I am sitting on the couch, post-workout, comfortably sore.  So, in some small way, it is actually an apt TWOTD.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Olympic Race Walking Revisited

They are all cheating.  Every single effing one of them.

From the footage, especially the slow-motion stuff, it is clear that every single one of them has both feet off the ground on every stride.

This sport is bullshit.  It does not deserve to be in the Olympics 

I just read that they made a guy give his cycling medal back from the 96 Olympics or something like that. Because he was using performance enhancing drugs.  But, while he was competing, he actually followed the damn rules.  So, if he loses his medal, every damn race walker deserves to give up their medal.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


This movie a whole lot shorter:

Officer: Well, you just got stop-lossed.

Guy: Well. Damn.

Cut to next scene:

Guy gets deployed.

Fade to black!

The end.

Monday, August 6, 2012

2012 World Superbikes - Silverstone

Apparently, in the US, we say "Liberty is the pursuit of happiness".

No, no we really don't.

These announcers thoroughly amuse me.

Also, good use of a Pink Floyd lyric in your commentary.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Olympic Rowing

Why are they incapable of having a camera angle that is perpendicular to the race course, so you can actually see the gaps between the boats?

Sooper annoying.

Olympic Beach Volley Ball

I wonder if the women are less likely than the men to lay out for a ball due to increased likelihood of filling cleavage with sand...

Olympic Race Walking

What. The. Shit?

You haven't lived until you've seen this race-walking bullshit.

How is this even a sport?  How do they regulate it such that you can't just run?

Today's Word(s) of the Day


Friday, August 3, 2012

Random Place Just Popped Into My Head

Ulan Bator

Bonus Bonus Word(s) of the Day

Bean Sprouts

Bonus Word(s) of the Day


Today's Word(s) of the Day


Came up in conversation.  Seems a shame not to use it again