Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cool Runnings

TV PG (L) 3 stars. '93. Jamaican bobsledders go to the 1988 Olympics. Starring: Leon, Doug E. Doug, Malik Yoba, John Candy, Rawle D. Lewis, Raymond J. Barry. Director Jon Turteltaub.

And now for my timeliest review ever.

Actually, never seen this before, so I figured I'd give it a go.

Random cameo by Dr. Lee from Stargate.  This time playing the role of random Olympics registrar guy.  A little less bald than he is in later life.  Obviously.  Because it'd be weird if he were balder in this one.

And I'm pretty sure the West German guy was also on Stargate, but I'm drawing a blank on his character's name. I think it was the episode with Merrin, and the advanced Naquadah generator.

This Junior guy has an immensely square head.  The haircut/hairline isn't really doing him any favors.

Is it bad that I'm rooting for the Swiss team?

Also, one of the main characters is from that Alphas TV show on Syfy.  But that show is terrible.  So we won't be mentioning that...

1 comment:

Su said...

If you weren't routing for the Swiss team we'd all be disappointed in you.