Thursday, August 30, 2012


Worsening heart failure.

Just heard that phrase in the "fine print" bit of a drug commercial.

Wasn't aware that failure could get worse.  Kinda figured failure was an all or nothing kind of thing.


Su said...

Yeah, well clearly you aren't on the Su's scale of failing, which is a marble and a variable height incline on a grid pattern floor. Drop and see where it lands and find your degree of failure. So far we have, "if at first you don't succeed, perhaps you should live in your parents basement until your 40" and "A change of careers would be in your best interest. We hear they are accepting applications at Clown U."

Dan said...

I'd rather my heart continued in its current career, rather than enrolling at Clown U

Su said...

Give me your heart so that I can get it a good career.