Thursday, May 10, 2007

Take that Facebook...

Welcome to Dan's Daily Drivel...

This is the successor to my notes on Facebook, which I sadly can't access at work anymore...

So, now I shall update you all on my carrots and other random things that are on my mind, in this forum...

Now I just have to come up with a way to let my faithful facebook readers know about my new venue for blathering...

Anyways, what spurred this distinct lack of laziness is that I have something that will revolutionize the world of my daily carrot intake.

Today, I don't have any carrots in my lunch. Instead I have snow peas... or sugar snap peas, or whatever the hell you want to call them...

Since its only 10:30, I haven't eaten them yet, but I'm sure they'll be good...

I'll probably update this after lunch, just so you can know how they were.

And that's all for now...

1 comment:

Su said...

Wow. I never posted on the first EVER blog post. I feel like such a loser.