Tuesday, March 18, 2014

These are idiots

Hockey fights are dumb. Really dumb


Su said...

I am going to have to ask you to recant that. Bench clearing fights are dumb. Goalie fights are dumb. Fights after the game ends are dumb. But a fight during the game can completely alter the morale of the team and cause a change in the momentum and create a whole new and interesting game. Fights are what make hockey hockey and should continue to be a part of it. Should they be regulated. Yes. Should they be punished. Yes. But two players punching each other with full participation on both sides, that's the physical nature of the game and is required to make it the beautiful sport it is. Cheap shots aren't fights either.

Dan said...

I, I the other hand, think that goalie fights are hilarious

Su said...

Hilarious, but serve no purpose in the game.