Sunday, September 18, 2011


'11. A peaceful man uses a powerful sword to save the woman he loves from a winged monster. Starring: Tahmoh Penikett, Kacey Barnfield, Richard Riddell, Ian Virgo, Michael Worth. Director Steven R. Monroe.

If one is to be fighting a computer generated monster with a sword, one should ensure that at least some portion of said sword goes off screen when one is meant to be striking said beast.

Also, this current scene has our intrepid heroes rock climbing and sword fighting. That would be fun. And tiring. And relatively monstericious.

Also, whenever I see this monster, I can't help but think of the phrase "Wingaling dragon".

Also, Helo and his apparently more swordtastic brother do a lot of fighting with real swords. And manage not to kill each other. Which is probably why they suck so bad at killing the jabberwock.

1 comment:

Su said...

Bad Jabberwock slayers suck. I root for the Jabberwork.