Monday, October 18, 2010

The Final

Marc Donato, Jascha Washington (2010) High school outcasts get revenge on the bullies who torment them.

Well, since its October again, its time for another exciting run through the year's After Dark Horrorfest movies.

We've already experienced "The Graves". Which I may or may not have blogged about. But, long story short, it was complete and utter shit. SHIT! I says! SHIT!

Anyways, I'm currently about 3/4ths done with this one, and can honestly say that I am surprised that this movie got anywhere. There are exactly zero characters that the viewer should be sympathetic towards. There are the bullies who are all a bunch of assholes, and the outcasts, who, all in all, aren't much better.

Although, there is a token black guy, who seems to be friendly with both the bullies and the outcasts. Which I am currently unsure if that makes him a bigger asshole for tolerating both collections of assholes, or being the one guy who is trying not to judge, and therefore is trying to avoid being an asshole himself.

But, honestly, I really don't give a rip. I'm just hoping this movie finishes sometime soon, so I can watch Chuck. Although, I also don't want to go to bed too late... Dilemmers, dilemmers....

So, for After Dark Horrorfest 4, we are now 0 for 2. And the only one which looks remotely interesting is "ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction". I'll keep you updated, as to the progress of this Horrorfest. I know that I've got at least one more from it on the DVR right now. And I'd imagine that, like in previous years, we'll get to all of the 8 movies throughout the course of Syfy's 31 Days of Halloween. It'll be interesting to see that if I'll award any points. I can't remember if last year got to .500, but I remember that there was a chance during the last few movies. Feel free to check out the blog archives and let me know, because, I'll be damned if I'm gonna go figure it out myself. Anyways, I'm relatively sure that this year's version is not going to get anywhere close. But, I hope to be surprised...

Well, thank goodness that's over.

Now for some peeing and some Chuck.

1 comment:

Su said...

We did not make it to 0.500, though there was a chance if my memory serves me.