Wednesday, July 25, 2007

curses, foiled again

anyways, i went to the library yesterday to pick up some books, because i haven't done any reading for pleasure in a while...

i had hoped to pick up the book "I am Legend" to see if the movie that I was pondering about in my last post would hold any semblance of interest for me... but apparently everyone else had the same idea... all the copies were checked out... so I had to move on to plan B...

anyways, I ended up checking out the source material for 2 other movies.... the graphic novel of 300 and "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep" by Philip K. Dick (the story that inspired Blade Runner, for those of you not in the know...)

anyways, I haven't started reading the Blade Runner one, so I can't comment on how it compares to the movie. However, I did finish 300, seeing how it was a graphic novel, and really only a few pages long (not really sure how many, but distinctly under 100)... the movie was pretty much a direct adaptation of the comic book/graphic novel... which is pretty much what i expected...

I started to read the latest Stephen King novel last night... in true Stephen King fashion its pretty weird, and i'm still sort of confused as to what is going on... but, whatever, i'll deal...

and my carrots were good today...

and to the mysterious someone who keeps posting about celery: celery is far inferior to carrots (i'm talking about baby carrots, which you don't have to peel)... they are good by themselves, and require no preparation... whereas it seems that the celery you keep talking about requires some sort of preparation, either peanut butter or something or whatever... this is effort... and that's something i'm not ready to commit to... and i'm not a big fan of celery by itself... sorta tastes like water, but requires effort to chew...

1 comment:

Su said...

Celery is delicious and wonderful. And it's cheaper then purchasing baby carrots. It does require being cut up, but since I don't purchase baby carrots but big boy carrots they too require being cut up. You suck.