Monday, July 16, 2012

Alas poor Eureka. We knew him well.

Or it.  Or them.  Or whatever.

Anyways, series finale for Eureka.  Had a good run, but sad to see it go.  Looks like the Syfy Channel is now only good for Warehouse 13 and the occasional shitty Sci Fi movie.

I have my hopes, which I believe that I've mentioned in an earlier post at some point.

Interesting that they got a new stock shot showing the top of the GD building.  After 5 or 6 years of using variations of the front of the building, I thought it was kinda cool that they got a new one.  Although you'd have figured if they spend the money on the new stock shot, they'd use it more than the once.  But, alas.  Unless they overdo it in this one episode.  Which would be mildly hilarious.

Random cameo from that Grant guy from Mythbusters.

Good use of the term "gruntled".  Or even "fully gruntled".  Way to go Wesley Crusher.

Also, nice to see Lojack the dog returning.  And also the good Dr. Taggart.

And very glad the last scene was what it was; a call back to the first episode of them passing themselves in the rain.

Unfortunately no Stark though.  Although that really would have been a stretch.

1 comment:

Su said...

Eureka can do stretches better than anyone else though.