Tuesday, June 23, 2015

This is an Android Tablet

This is also what killed this blog.

Ever since I got the tablet,  I don't use my computer all that often. And I type a lot slower on the tablet.

Which makes typing movie reviews on the tablet kind annoying.

So, I'm watching Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark. But are you find head about it?


And the fact that I'm probably gonna watch Sharknado 2 shortly.

Sucks to be y'all, I guess.

(And I figure it is apt that the drawing accompanying this post is appropriately crappy)


Su said...

I stopped checking in because you stopped writing. I am bereft. I hope you feel guilty.

Su said...

Dan... Dan where are you?

Su said...

For fucks sake, answer your blog posts. Your public misses you. Aggressively. And winter is coming (not to quote JRR Martine) but winter is coming and we need you to visit before the weather becomes cold (which in my opinion is lovely, but in your asinine opinion is not). Dragon weather cometh.

Dan said...


Su said...

I'm glad you made it here. Things are relatively cold. I like it. It makes napping underneath 30+ pounds of cats more comfortable. We should do the new High Gravity Adventure thing at Tweetsie. Then do Tweetsie again. I enjoy laughing like a loon. And you havent been to the new house, right?