Thursday, February 13, 2014

XXII Winter Olympics: Cross Country Skiing - Ladies' Sprint (Free)

Kikkan Randall Kikkan Randall Kikkan Randall

Kikkan Randall


Su said...

You shouldn't be allowed to watch sports that the names aren't boring Germanic/Anglo Saxon names. And only the boring ones. Like Smith. You get too much joy out of names. Also, I'm very confused by the juxtaposition of Kikkan with Randall. Maybe I just wanted to say juxtaposition.

Dan said...

Unfortunately the post didn't contain enough repeated references to her name to get my point across. The announcers basically mentioned her every few seconds. And when she didn't make it through to the semi-finals, they incessantly talked about her missed opportunity.

Su said...

I still find your commentary more interesting than the official Olympic commentary peoples.