Thursday, May 23, 2013

Today's Word(s) of the Day


The NBC Sports Network has a commercial for the Monaco Grand Prix.

The part where the title "Night Life" pops up isn't Monaco.  It is actually Singapore.
"Yachts" is actually Valencia.

I feel cheated.

(Although, they probably don't expect anyone to notice.  Or probably care, for that matter.)

Actually noticed it yesterday.  But then went to bed so I didn't post it.  And I'm too lazy to backdate this post

1 comment:

Su said...

There is a game I think you would enjoy simply for the absurdity of being able to blow yourself up intentionally (which we both know you like to do with dynamite in Bang!) called Formula Day that involves racing cars. The time I watched played was Monaco. Reminds me of this. Also, they made a lot of fun of the drawings on the board.