Sunday, June 24, 2012

2012: Ice Age

'11. A volcanic eruption in Iceland pushes a glacier toward North America.  Starring Patrick Labyorteaux, Julie McCullough. Director: Trey Stokes.

Normally in these disaster movies (especially the Bad Syfy Variety), the main character is actively trying to stop the apocalypse or whatever the problem of the week is.

In this one, it is really just a guy running away from it.  Similar to the movie's blockbuster namesake.  Although the main character in this one is significantly less famous than John Cusack. But has an intensely more fantastic name.  Using approximately half the world's quota of vowels. The only thing I recognize this guy from is that JAG show.  Not the main character, but his slightly chubby sidekick.  Good that he got hisself a starring role, i guess.

Also, they just used some stock footage of the Thunderbirds when they were trying to show some fighter aircraft attacking the glacier.

And the same pilot in-cockpit footage for about 5 different airplanes.


Su said...

I actually thought they were going to go with the animals and the glaciers and rescuing the human baby plot. I am disappointed.

Dan said...

I am relatively disappointed in myself that I missed that possible connection.

I'll put it down to the fact that I went to bed at 3:30 this morning...

Su said...

Fair enough, this time. Next time, I demand it better, and quicker too.